Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical And Electronics Engineering Programmes

S.No. Course Minimum Qualification Subjects Covered Program Fees Duration Fees for Foreign Students
1. Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering HSC/SSC with experience Year I

* Applied Mathematics-I

* Digital Electronics

* Engg. Drawings

* Elements of Electrical Engineering – I

* Elements of Mechanical Engineering

Year II

* Thermal Engineering-II

* Organizational Management

* Estimation & Specification

* Applied Mathematics-II Elements of Electrical Engineering – II

* Analog Electronics

Year III

* Generation Transmission & Distribution

* Industrial Drives and Controls

* Embedded System

* Computer Networks

* Organizational Behavior & Environmental Engineering

* Electrical Machines - II

44,900 /- 3 Years US $ 628.69
2. Bachelor Program in Electrical And Electronics Engineering SSC or equivalent with experience SEMESTER -1

* Mathematics-I

* Engineering Physics – I

* Engineering Chemistry – I

* Fundamentals of Computing and Programming

* Engineering Graphics


* Mathematics-II

* Engineering Physics -II

* Engineering Chemistry-II

* Circuit Theory


* Measurements and Instrumentation

* Electromagnetic Theory

* Electronic Devices and Applications

* Environmental Science and Engineering

* Data Structures and Algorithms


* Electrical Machines

* Control Systems

* Digital Logic Circuits

* Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications

* Power Plant Engineering


* Generation of Electrical Power

* Control Systems

* Electronic Circuits

* Linear ICs and Applications

* Electrical Measurements

* Electro Mechanics


* Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

* Switch Gear & Protection

* Power Electronics

* Transmission & Distribution


* Industrial Management

* Power System Operation and Control

* Utilization of Electrical Power

* Digital Signal Processing

* Power System Analysis & Stability


* Industrial Drives

* Computer Aided Power System Analysis

* Electrical Power Distribution Systems Engineering


79,900/- 4 Years US $ 1118.76